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百年米其林餐厅:Maison Lameloise (莱美露滋)在上海中心等待您的光临!


Maison Lameloise: a hundred-year-old Michelin restaurant is waiting for serving in Shanghai Tower!


Heaven may have bestowed best of blessings upon the French. Not only has Burgundy an overflowing abundance of luscious vineyards producing some of the world’s most prestigious red wines, but France is also home to the most exclusive and sought-after Michelin restaurants in the world.

Maison Lameloise (莱美露滋)的传奇

The legend of Maison Lameloise

Maison Lameloise

Maison Lameloise (莱美露滋)的传奇开始于1921年,在法国一个叫沙尼的小镇上。历经三代,Pierre, Jean and Jacques Lameloise始终向世人展示着米其林最高三星荣誉的最高料理艺术。时至今日,这一传奇仍被法国著名传奇厨师Eric Pras延续着。

The Lameloises’ legend began in 1921, in Chagny, France. Through three generations, Pierre, Jean and Jacques Lameloise carried their culinary art to the Michelin’s highest honor of three stars. Today, the legend is kept on growing by the legendary French chef Eric Pras.

Maison Lameloise (莱美露滋)和Eric Pras’ signature

Maison Lameloise and Eric Pras’ signature


Eric Pras

Eric Pras是法国著名的、被米其林指南列为三星的厨师。他早早地在15岁那年就踏出了走向事业成功的第一步。在他结束学徒生涯后,曾先后跟随Michel Troisgros ***, Bernard Loiseau ***, Pierre Gagnaire *** 及 Régis Marcon *** 等在内的法国著名厨师一起工作。

Eric Pras is a famous French chef, rated three stars by the Guide Michelin. He took his first step toward a successful career at the age of 15. After he finished his apprenticeship, he worked alongside the most famous French chefs, including Michel Troisgros ***, Bernard Loiseau ***, Pierre Gagnaire *** and Régis Marcon ***.

在2004年他获得了“法国最佳工艺大师”(Meilleurs Ouvrier de France ,简称M.O.F)的殊荣。而长期与这些法国美食界著名的标志性人物的交流也使这位年轻的厨师培养出优雅的个性并塑造了他独一无二的料理语言。

In 2004, Chef Pras was given the Award of the Best Craftsmen in France (Meilleur Ouvrier de France). Working closely with the icons of the French Gastronomy has certainly allowed the young chef to develop an elegant personality and to enhance his unique culinary language.

Eric Pras曾经是Régis Marcon的助手, 直到2008年,在他36岁的时候,加入Jacques Lameloise的厨房前。他的这一决定标志了著名的Maison Lameloise (莱美露滋)进入一个新的纪元的开始。

Eric Pras was Régis Marcon’s right-hand man before joining Jacques Lameloise’s kitchen in 2008. He was only 36 years old at that time. His decision marked the beginning of a new era for the prestigious Maison Lameloise.

Eric Pras的料理很快便成功地收获了餐厅原本拥护者的肯定,也吸引了许多慕名而来的食客。因此,Eric 在1年后得到了Jacques Lameloise的肯定,并接替了主厨的工作。在Frederic Lamy的协助下,餐厅经历了完美过渡。餐厅一直秉持的料理艺术和哲学:传统即是创新的这一座右铭一直被保留了下来。而过渡后仍一直保持着米其林三星餐厅的殊荣也是两位最大的成就之一。

In 2009, Jacques Lameloise handed over the reins of the Maison to Eric Pras, a successful chef who had rapidly charmed both the existing and the new clientele of the Maison. Eric Pras worked in association with Frederic Lamy to ensure a flawless transition. The culinary art and philosophy of the Maison remained faithful to the original motto: Tradition is innovation! Maintaining its Three-Michelin-star rating has perhaps been one of the biggest achievements of the Maison Lameloise after the transition.

Langoustine, hot & cold / Green Apple / Celeriac and caviar

Eric Pras 挑剔的味觉和发现的热情给全世界的美食家一个独一无二的就餐体验。 他的得意之作:鳌虾二重奏(the duo of langoustine)突出了他与众不同的个性和多元化的料理语言。混合的绿色苹果果冻, 鳌虾鞑靼,块芹酱加上覆盖其上丰厚的鱼子酱,每一口都是一场味觉的盛宴。

Eric Pras’ delicate sense of flavors and his passion for discovery offer an unequaled dining experience to the connoisseurs across the globe.

The chef’s signature dishes, such as the duo of langoustine, highlight his unique personality and his sophisticated culinary language. The blend of green apple jelly, langoustine tartar and celeriac cream generously topped with caviar is an explosion of flavor in each bite.

Maison Lameloise (莱美露滋)在上海

Maison Lameloise Shanghai


There is a rumour quietly running across the Gastronomy circle that the French fine-dining restaurant would open in Shanghai.

Maison Lameloise (莱美露滋)正在上海中心准备着其在勃垦第外的第一家餐厅。餐厅位于上海中心的68楼,通过窗户入眼的将是令人窒息的上海夜景和著名的外滩万国博览群建筑。在钢筋水泥包裹下的Maison Lameloise (莱美露滋)上海店承诺将通过一道道田园诗般的料理将您从上海带往沙尼。

Maison Lameloise is preparing to open its first restaurant outside Burgundy in the Shanghai Tower.

From the 68th floor of the city’s highest tower, the restaurant will offer one of the most spectacular views over Shanghai and the Bund. An idyllic dining experience inside the glass-and-metal masterpiece of Maison Lameloise Shanghai promises to carry its clientele away from Shanghai to Chagny.


Of course, the Maison’s passion for delightful food and excellent service combined to the unique spirit of its chefs will reflect the well-known Michelin standards for a truly memorable dining experience.

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